Thursday, February 10, 2011

Increase Vertical Jump - Tips & Tricks

Do you want to know How to increase vertical jump? I will reveal super-tips you can use to improve your vertical jump.

If used to love basketball. But, I didn't have time to concentrate on it. Day job calls you know. Then, when I got a little more into this basketball stuff, I realized that you need to have some really important factors in order to match the game.

I know you want to increase dunk but still... It was really hard for me.

I tried many guides, searched in forums, magazines and blogs for info but none of them helped me. But, they helped them. I didn't knew why ME. Then I came to know that not only me... But many others face the same problem.

After a few months research, asking experts and being active in forum discussion... I broke the line between me and the pros. I just simply snatched it away from them.

Now... I simple and Final question... Do you want to know How To Increase Your Vertical Jump?

If you want... here you go.

One of the things you should do is Regular workouts. Leg Stretches and muscle warm ups are great way to start. Regular workouts and exercises can make your body more flexible and thereby increase your vertical explosion.

The other most important thing I discovered is doing double jumps. Trust me on this one... It can help you increase your vertical jump like nothing else. I had tried these for more that 12 months and I continue to use them now, then and always will.

There many other tips that you can apply to your current workouts. Almost all the athletes want to know how to improve his or her jump because it a very vital part of the game. Not only for basketball also for volleyball, sprinting and other games... Jump is an extra boost. OK, now I will tell you some tips you should add to your daily work out. If you don't have a daily workout... It’s one of the most important things you should do, so get started today.

I had already mentioned the importance of vertical explosion. Higher vertical explosion = higher vertical jumping capability. So, you will need not only jump training and weight training, but also strength training. Like it or not, Strength also plays an important role in your jump.

Before you get bored... There is also a fun way to do this. Have you ever heard of the jumping rope? Maybe your kids have one. I had one when I was a kid. Practice with it daily after gaining permission from your children which will help you improve all the factors that I had mentioned above.

If you want to know how I increased my vertical jump... Check out the main blog at How To Increase Vertical Jump Blog.

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